Monday, March 21, 2011

Great Man and Trait Theories

Leaders have always fallen into categories or stereotypes for as long as time can remember. From warriors, kings, chiefs, president and so on, whether it is your lineage or your aggression for power, people expect something from them and these people tend to deliver.
            When I think of great man theory, I think so someone who stood tall when others had fallen and were the backbone for so many. Someone that pulls not just themselves but everyone around them through tough times and strives to make sure everything will be ok. One person who exemplifies this would be the former first African American President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela. He fought Apartheid in his country, fought against racism, worked hard for his people and fought for them. He faced many trivial times or imprisonment, threats and death but kept going, and kept going strong. For doing just that but he led his people to be where they are today which is free of all segregation and hatred.
            Trait theory on the other hand takes a more psychological look at a person. It based a leader more on his or her personality rather than their position of power or lineage. There are many qualities in which go into a good leader, but not all are the same. Sometimes a person can posses a few and be great or possess many and still be great. It is a very case-by-case issue depending on person but this all goes into what accounts for the makings of a good leader.

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